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This program will begin in the Spring 2024. Dates TBA. If you would like to be on my mailing list for current program info, please email me at and put in the subject Dr Judy program mailing list.

An Introduction to Kabbalah and the power of self awareness explores several of the divine attributes in an embodied and integrated Way. This journey will explore how the 4 worlds of creation and the spheres of illumination (sephirot) help us to explore ourselves in a practical and highly applicable way. Since Kabbalah can be an extensive study, this program will be focusing specifically on how you explore YOU and put self awareness into practice by utilizing the wisdom of divine attributes in everyday life. Divine attributes such as loving kindness, compassion, patience, healthy boundaries, strength, humility, and beauty to name a few.

4 month online program

What's included in the program:

  • 8, 70 min sessions: Live sessions are conducted every other week except the first month to engage deeply in the material.
  • Video and downloadable material in some alternate weeks
  • Practice partners and access to a wonderful community to share and learn more
  • All the sessions will be recorded and available to watch on my course platform.


Frequently asked questions

Can't find an answer? Don't hesitate to reach out at

When does the program start and finish?

The live sessions are 70 minutes each. The last 15 minutes of each session will be sharing time in smaller groups.  Each participant will have a 'sharing' partner during the course of the program. You can choose your own or be matched with another participant. The reason the program is spread out over four months is to give you time to integrate and practice. Learning and understanding the divine attributes is one thing, embodying and engaging them with meaning takes practice.

How long will I have access to the course

You will have lifetime access to the course through Dr. Judy L. Scher Courses platform (hosted on FreshLearn).

How do I access the program materials?

Log in to Dr. Judy L. Scher Courses by clicking Sign Up/Login in the the upper right of this page or by going here. Program videos are not available for download and must be viewed through the platform. Some items, such as program worksheets, will be available to download

Can I pay with PayPal or Stripe?

You will have the option of either.

The Program outline

Month 1: Intro material

An overview on what is Kabbalah, the concept of Tsimtsum and the four world of creation. How the Tree of Life is an upside down tree and is a way of connecting Divine Presence with your humanity. How the four worlds exist as a fractal inside of each other and how we can interact with the world knowing this. What the process of exploration will entail for you. Questionnaire on how the four worlds are impacting your life currently will be available to explore.

1st live online session:  live 70 minute session. Exploring the first divine attribute, Chesed which is loving kindness or compassion for others.

2nd live online session: We will explore the divine attribute of Gevurah, which can be described as strength, judgment, healthy boundaries and with that love toward self.

3rd live online session:  Tipheret, balancing Chesed and Gevurah, it's about beauty and harmony. Listening to what is called for in this moment. Assessing the energy that life is calling forth.

4th live online session: Netzach, explores the divine attribute that means endurance and the ability to overcome.

5th live online session:  Hod, the ability to surrender to 'what is'. Opposite of Netzach.

6th live online session, Yesod, the balance or harmony point between netzach and hod. Communication and connection with the world. The bridge between the infinite potential and manifestation in the world.

7th live session,  Malchut, is not a separate divine attribute on its own, by an ingathering of all the information from the attributes above it. It is both receiving and then giving of its gifts.

8th and final live session,  How Chokhma and Bina support your evolution and growth; where wisdom and understanding respectively are from the soul, not lower mind stories. This is informed from the soul. How to continue to practice to deepen and anchor self awareness through the divine attributes sustainably.


Dr. Judy is a big deal….the real deal. She is a force of energy in so many ways. I’ve participated in several workshops and long-term programs with Judy. She’s opened my world with new concepts and stimulating experiences. She shows and demonstrates how simple concepts can have tremendous power and meaning on deeper levels. I always knew that life was important; but Judy has opened a door for me to deeply feel how sacred my life is…. and the sacredness of all living things. - Donna M.


I am in a totally new place, a place where I listen and my heart speaks. I have progressed greatly, both on the physical as well as emotional and soul levels. I am more responsive from presence rather than from the old conditioning. For this I am deeply grateful. - Robert N


A while back I started getting universal nudges that I was really stuck in some aspects of life, and had been for many years, despite being wholeheartedly devoted and active in doing my personal work for decades. When I started working with Judy, there were these stubborn, and extremely painful patterns that I would just keep looping in and out of without truly transforming. Judy's way of working and guiding you through 'how you do you' is truly masterful, full of compassion and in FULL alignment with your soul's unique journey. She is a once in a lifetime healer and working with her has been the most precious gift I have given myself! She works from a deep place of knowing and experience, and with that helps empower you to do the same, in your own way. With her ever-present multi-dimensional guidance, I have discovered and embodied levels of love and compassion for myself that I never imagined possible (and continue to discover)! I feel like an ever expanding force of heart magic in my relationships, my work, and Life. I have strength, access, and knowing I can be with what Life brings my way, which has been my prayer for many many years. If you are feeling that calling of your heart and soul's longing for more, consider giving yourself the gift of the unconditional support and guidance Judy lovingly offers. - Leigh J

Engage in the power of self awareness. Explore the 4 worlds of creation and the spheres of illumination for personal growth and wholeness.