The Power of Connecting with Nature

The Power of Connecting with Nature

How to connect with nature in our everyday lives

Connecting with nature is a significant way to tap into our very own healing powers. From calming the mind to lowering cortisol levels to faster recovery from injury, nature can be our own personal cure. We know that it improves mood and our general well-being. But what else can it do for us? 

How to connect with nature in our everyday lives

Feel the healing power of grounding in nature

Take your shoes off and take a few steps in the cool, green grass. How does that make you feel? Sink your toes in the warm sand of the desert or the beach. Our sense of touch is heightened and we can feel it throughout the body.

Look up at the sky. What do you see? Take in the clouds. What do they look like? Are they fluffy? Wispy? Fleeting? Maybe there aren’t any today. The sky is bold and the sun is hot. What color is the sky today? Is it that deep, cerulean sky that goes on forever? Or is it dusk? Has the moon made an appearance yet? Have you gotten lost in the beauty of the sky yet?

Listen to the wind. How are the elements affecting it? Are the trees singing for you? Is there a storm coming? Can you sense it? Or is it a calm day? Do you hear the birds? Or are there other animals nearby? Are they just waking up or are they heading to their homes for the night? Are you ensconced in their world yet?

What exactly is grounding? It is the act of connecting the body with the earth. We can connect to our environment to alleviate feelings of anxiety and pain. What else does the act of grounding do for us? It improves sleep and helps normalize day-night cortisol rhythms. It can also reset our inner clock when jet-lagged. Grounding also improves vitality and energy! It is known to help speed up wound healing, help blood flow, and improves immune response. It also helps reduce the risk of chronic diseases. It can also reduce stress and inflammation. Grounding also activates the magical vagus nerve! But it goes so much deeper than that…

How to connect with nature in our everyday lives
How to connect with nature in our everyday lives

Nature gives us a sense of something larger than ourselves

Perhaps the most healing power of nature is the sense of wonder and awe that it gives us. Think about standing before the Grand Canyon. What great mastery and vision it took to create it. How it is ever changing with the seasons.  Lie on the ground and look up at the stars on a deep, dark night. We are tiny upon this earth. What came before us? What will come after us?

Truly feeling the natural world through our senses cracks us open and teaches us to be thankful for all that we have upon this earth. Gratitude. It now comes in multitudes. 

What happens when we connect with nature?

One of the first things to happen is the nervous system calms down. We quite simply begin to “feel better.” We feel an immediate release of dopamine. Both the body and mind are more at ease. When this happens, we are able to focus on other things. The more important things! 

We become more open to creativity! The healing power of nature allows us to draw more deeply because we aren’t bogged down by the small stuff. Clearing the mind and opening the soul can also lend to more success in business and our social interactions.

Here are five tips on how to connect with nature in our everyday lives:

Take evening or morning walks

Creating a ritual of heading out the door at a certain time each day is a wonderful way to slow down and be present in your environment. Tracking local trees and flowers blooming is a fun way to experience each season and feel closer to your surroundings. It’s also an excellent way to connect with your neighborhood and feel like a part of the community. Check out this app that shows you hiking/walking trails in your area when you want to go further afield or for when you’re out of town. 

Immerse in the ancient act of forest bathing

How to connect with nature in our everyday lives
How to connect with nature in our everyday lives

Want to go deeper into the healing connection of nature than your afternoon walk? Try forest bathing. In Japanese, it translates to, “absorbing the forest.” It really means spending time in nature. Let your body and soul absorb the surroundings like you would be absorbed into a body of water or a glade of trees or a mountain range. Stop and take in the small things, the nuances, really look at every little thing around you. 

Watch the sunrise or sunset. Finding a dedicated spot to watch the passage of time is a wonderful way to feel more connected to the environment. Take note of the way the light changes each day. Which seasons bring the most color? Do storms bring wild color where you live? The seasons will impact the light and the timing of the sun’s travels. Learn the patterns and take photographs to enjoy when you need a lift.

Create a sanctuary and learn about local birds and wildlife

How to connect with nature in our everyday lives
How to connect with nature in our everyday lives

Watching and listening to birds and other wildlife react to the elements of the seasons is another way of connecting more deeply with the natural world. Grow flowers and plants that animals may like. Plant butterfly bushes to bring beauty outside your window. Create sanctuaries for creatures in need. Put out a feeder and bring all the birds (and other cuties) to your yard! 

Look at paintings and/or videos of nature. 

If all else is not possible! When you’re not able to get outside or you live in a densely-populated city without little access to green space, studies have shown that just looking at nature imagery is beneficial. Stuck in an office for hours with no end in sight? Take your lunch break in the snow-covered mountains of the Andes or to the turquoise-colored waters of Bali. Pull up a place on your phone or laptop that you’ve wanted to visit or a place that you remember for giving you peace and connection. 

The many health benefits of connecting with nature

Just spending a few minutes each day in nature can lower our blood pressure and calm our active minds. We know and feel this intrinsically. That serenity can open our hearts and souls to the wonder and magic that is around us. Go deeper the next time you are in the woods or simply look up at the sky and know you are a significant part of this universe.